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Rosy Jobfish - African Game Fish

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Rosy Jobfish


The Rosy Jobfish is a great-looking reef fish and is by far the most colourful of all the Jobfish. Their colour is similar to that of a red snapper with a rosy pink body and olive on its back and sides. It also displays a golden broken band along the dorsal fin and blue lines run along its body from its head to its tail. The Rosy Jobfish can reach up to 1m in length.

Use a minimum 20lb main line and medium gear and a heavy lead to get the bait to stay on the bottom. Great fighters and really tasty!

It’s a schooling fish and is more often caught off the bottom, particular after sunset when they are more active. Standard reef fishing baits are often preferred with fish, squid and prawns all working well. They are often found in schools with red bream/snapper.